Glutathione, Pollution, and Your Health

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Glutathione, Pollution, and Your Health

A 2017 update on more ways to boost glutathione, decrease body pollution, and help achieve better weight and World Peace too (I dare you to help)

Ageing can be thought of as a form of rusting.

Rusting is exacerbated by oxidation – which happens naturally when you exercise, and as part of life,  and it is accelerated by pollution and toxins in the air we breathe,  the water we drink, the food we eat, and even the 200 chemicals in our bathrooms and cleaning products.

Of all the molecules our body makes to protect us against this onslaught, glutathione is arguably the most important.

But even glutathione itself is under attack by medicine we think of as safe – paracetamol and Calpol.

Watch the video and read the article for more information:

Your glutathione levels fall, by about 10% to 15% per decade!

Decreased glutathione levels result in accelerated aging, low energy, higher inflammation, and a greater vulnerability to cell damage and disease

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant .

It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defence against illness and aging. Our glutathione levels indicate our state of health and can predict longevity. There are more than 60,000 published papers on the beneficial effects of glutathione.

Low Glutathione Graphic

Possible warning signs you have low glutathione:

  • abdominal pains
  • diarrhoea
  • headaches
  • joint pains
  • depression
  • rashes
  • lack of energy
  • frequent colds
  • shaky hands after exertion

Some of the many functions of glutathione:

  • required to get rid of heavy metal toxicity (included are mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium)
  • boosts white blood cell formation, which helps boost immunity/immune system
  • used by the body to neutralize/remove things like formaldehyde, car exhaust chemicals, cigarette smoke, and certain pharmaceuticals, pesticide and industrial chemicals, steroids, bacterial produced toxins, and alcohol
  • plays a role in DNA repair
  • anti-viral properties
  • positively affects insulin production and control by the pancreas
  • can help decrease/reverse cataracts

And most importantly for energy production: glutathione is the only anti-oxidant inside mitochondria, which are the energy producing factories in our cells.

If you have a sedentary, non-stressful life then you should be getting enough nutrients to make glutathione if you eat plenty of organic nuts, seeds, avocados, eggs, lentils and lots of veg, some high quality grass fed meat.

If you are under stress, have any of the symptoms listed above, or exercise, then it would be advisable to take at least a good multivit/mineral with HIGH amounts of B vitamins in,  and whey protein from organic, grass fed cows.

My current favourite supplements to boost glutatione.

Organic Ganoderma Spore Powder

And a glutathione

To order  the products below direct from NutriAdvaned you will need our Practitioner Code 228 587

10g servings of high quality whey protein, 2 or 3 x day (instead of the 20g servings they suggest)

You can find unflavoured whey protein from organic, grass fed cows at most health food shops.

We can give you more advice on the products we use at the clinic on your next appointment.

Written by Dr Chris Pickard

First published on: Mar 29, 2017

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